Why the series Gabby and the Magic House makes children dream so much ? What secrets lie behind its success ? In this...
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Rolling Backpack For School
School Bag With Wheels
School backpack
Children's Schoolbag
| Bag bag Sports bag
Pool bag Lunch Bag
Shopping bag School kit
| A4 binder
School calendar Stationery Chariot Alone Suitcase |
Correction and pencil cutters
Calculators | Writing
Cutting and fastenings
| Tracing
Glue and adhesives
Filing cabinets and accessories
| Diaries
Copies, blocks and paper
School packs | View holders, shirts and sorters
Labels and Stickers
Good points boxes | Slates, paintings and accessories
Drawing and music
Betty Boop figures Statuettes Betty Boop Titi Figures Cartoons figures | Figurines Leblon delienne Figurines Demons & Merveilles Figurines Michel Aroutcheff Guillermo Forchino Figures | Statuettes Marilyn Monroe |
House linen
Games - Toys
| Dishes
| Decoration
| Leather goods
| Gift by event
Gift vouchers |
Why the series Gabby and the Magic House makes children dream so much ? What secrets lie behind its success ? In this...
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School mornings follow one another and look alike. It's often the race! Between the difficult awakening, the breakfast on the go and the lightning passage in the bathroom: the minutes go by. No time to take care of the school bag, you have to leave already! Once you finally get to class, your child realizes that he has forgotten his book, kit or ruler. The teacher deplores these daily omissions. Your schoolboy has to compose without his equipment. In order to avoid these inconveniences, we offer three steps to accompany your child in the proper preparation of his schoolbag. An easy and fast user manual that will promote the autonomy of the student and bring you a little serenity. Ready for the challenge?
Before proceeding to the organization of the school bag, it is necessary to devote some time to its preparation. Many parents (and teachers) recommend it: making the schoolbag the day before is the best solution. Your child is not stressed by the clock and can take the time to store his work tool carefully.
Several moments are available to you. Some like to pack their school bags right after doing their homework. Others prefer to take care of it before going to bed. No matter when you choose, the main thing is to dedicate quality time to filling the school bag.
Making your schoolbag: you can learn! It is not enough to tell your child "go get your things ready" to see him seized by a sudden urge to pack his bag. No! He needs accompaniment, a procedure to follow. Above all, he needs you to acquire this valuable skill called autonomy.
You must therefore define together a time, the night before, to organize his schoolbag. Rest assured, this is only a matter of moments. No question of spending a quarter of an hour there! Teach them to follow a list and schedule by explaining why each tool is needed. For the youngest, do not hesitate to formulate an oral explanation: "you put a ruler in your bag, because it will be useful to you to emphasize the words requested by your teacher".
Over the days, months, your child will know how to make his schoolbag alone. He will understand why to put or remove equipment and the consequences of forgetting a tool. In short, it will become perfectly autonomous!
The school bag is undoubtedly the centerpiece of the schoolboy. However, your child must learn to tame this school tool. While the Ring binder has a horizontal structure, the backpack meanwhile offers a vertical configuration. Depending on the configuration of the bag and the number of compartments, your child will have to think about his own organization to fit all the School supplies requested by teachers.
In order to help your child prepare his schoolbag, you can develop a list of school materials essential to any student. Indeed, the school bag must carry a number of immutable objects every day. Those who have to stay in the schoolbag are not so many:
This is the basic material of the schoolboy. Of course, depending on the grade level, the list grows. For example, at the end of primary school, the square will join the equipment to have on a daily basis.
To avoid overloading their schoolbag, your child should make sure to remove unnecessary school accessories. His history notebook is not necessary if the discipline is not on the program of the day. In the same way, he will not need his occupation book for daycare if he is picked up after school.
These changing supplies must be the subject of another list. Developed according to the schedule of the week, you can display it in table form near the place defined to prepare the binder.
> You will find on many teacher sites or on the platform Pinterest school planning boards to download. You can then fill them out according to your child's schedule.
In order to perfect the organization of your schoolbag, we advise you to carry out a weekly watch with him. What does it consist of? Once a week, empty the school bag completely and check the entire School materials.
The first of the supplies to be screened is undoubtedly the Pencil kit. Work with your child to ensure the functionality of the small writing materials:
These checks will allow your student to face a new school week more serenely. And for you, it will be an opportunity to keep you informed of any accessories to buy (eraser, ink, glue ...).
After the kit, it is the turn of the schoolbag to undergo a real inventory. Get rid of unwanted papers, small toys, old tissues or a few cake crumbs that line the bottom! Once the bag is empty, take the opportunity to clean it: a small wipe inside the schoolbag is simple and fast. If necessary, the vacuum cleaner with nozzle has no equal to remove dust.
Before putting all the supplies back in the school bag, don't forget to sort it out. No need to put back draft sheets already used or drawings that have slipped into the pages of the French notebook!
That's it, you now know how to help your child become master of his schoolboy baggage. The next step: help him pack his gym bag and prepare his snack! You can proceed in the same way as for the binder. A list, a schedule and good support: this is the secret to helping your child prepare his schoolbag on a daily basis. To you the serene mornings!
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